Remove Diacritics
Extension method to remove diacritics using ISO-8859-8.
Czech encoding in .NET
How to add czech encoding into .NET project.
Combine two sequences element by element.
FluentResult UnwrapOrDefault
Extension method for the `Result` object of FluentResult lib.
ASP.NET caching strategies
Summary of different types caching strategies in ASP.NET.
Secure ASP.NET Server Headers
How to configure headers for security in an ASP.NET app.
ASP.NET Minimap API pros and cons
Summary of the pros and cons of the ASP.NET Minimal API.
ASP.NET Configure programically
How to set options in ASP.NET programically.
Problem details
Problem details object in ASP.NET.
Exception vs Result pattern
Benchmark about two error handling approaches.
Get Enum Value Attribute
Benchmark about getting enum value attribute using reflection.
Export data
Export data using reflection.
Create Instance
Create instance using reflection.
Commit to master
How to revert commit to master.
SourceTree rebase failed, missing last commit
SourceTree drops last commit, how to revert.
SourceTree change user password
How to change user password in SourceTree.
SourceTree not starting
SourceTree app do not start properly.
Visible internals from different project
See internal classes from another C# project.
Package json Versioning - Caret
Caret Ranges cheat sheet.
NVM commands - basic
NVM commands cheat sheet.
NPM commands
Npm commands cheat sheet.
K8s, Istio, Argo cheat sheet
Kubernetes, Istio, Argo cheat sheet.
Clean vs Vertical Slice Architectures
Comparsion of CA and VSA by real pull requests. Idea of Hybrid approaches.
Clean Architectures pros and cons
Clean Architectures pros and cons.
Problem Details
Problem details standart and cheat sheet.
Rest API routes naming
Rest API routes naming best practices.
Redefine property of mock object
Redefine property of jasmine mock object.
Run test commands
Run test commands cheat sheet.
Json.stringify replacer
Replace or Format data using JSON.stringify.
TypeScript type utilities
Lesser-known but highly useful TypeScript type utilities.
TypeScript declare tips
Node.JS Custom env variables, Declare types from different module ...
Postgresql array
Postgresql array tips.
About Me
I'm a Senior Full-Stack Developer specializing in C# and building applications with the .NET and .NET Core frameworks. I began my career as a frontend developer working with Windows desktop applications, but in recent years, I've focused on web development, primarily with Angular and React. I’m a software craftsman and enthusiast who values staying up-to-date with new trends and best practices, aiming for high code quality and optimal test coverage. This blog is my space to share experiences, tips, and lessons learned along the way.